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Not sure what Holistic Nutrition is?
Look no further and read on!


What is Holistic Nutrition?

Holistic Nutrition is an integrative approach to health. It assesses the entire person, the physical, mental, environmental, emotional and spiritual aspects of his or her life, in the goal of restoring balance.

Focus is on finding underlying causes of your current issues and addressing potential nutritional deficiencies or excess, rather than masking symptoms with temporary solutions that oftentimes have further detrimental side effects.

The body has an incredible ability for healing. Holistic nutrition aims at supporting the body through diet - whole fresh foods, personalized supplementation as well as various healing modalities and  lifestyle modifications.

The end goal is for you to achieve a state of lasting, vibrant well-being!


Who is Super Vibrant Health?

I am Marcelina Maciejewski, a Toronto based Holistic Nutritionist. I hold an honours degree from The Institute of Holistic Nutrition as well as a Biology degree with a minor in Environmental sciences from McMaster University.

I believe that a state of balance underlies optimal health and I strive to bring the physical, mental and emotional body into alignment. In working together we will explore these areas, for potential deficiencies or excess - for ways that could be holding you back from vibrant health.

As a nutritionist, I believe that the food we eat is a major determinate of our well-being. What we choose to eat not only fuels and uplifts us, it also forms the building blocks of our bodies and is a source of information for our cells. Food also connects us to the environment and world in a larger sense – to those who grow our sustenance and to the soil that supports that growth. In that way, our personal health and that of the planet are linked.

I believe that the best choice for ourselves is also the best for the world. I am passionate about fresh whole foods, grown sustainably or wild harvested. Supplements may at times be necessary, but are always chosen carefully and strategically. All nutritional plans are 100% personalized to be most impactful for your health goals.  

I believe one's health is a personal responsibly and I aim to empower you on your health care journey.  I want you to enjoy the process of making positive, sustainable changes in your health and lifestyle.

Feel to contact me to if you're interested in working together to create a healthier you. You can also follow me to find out how I stay super vibrant! 

Twitter: @supervibrant  
Facebook: /supervibrant 
Intagram: @supervibrant

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